Kensington Gardens

I have been wanting to visit Kensington Gardens since we read Peter Pan our very first week in London, and this afternoon I finally did. I was feeling wary of public transportation after a 40-minute bus ride yesterday that should have taken 15 minutes, so I walked the 50 minutes to the park. I went down Oxford Street for a long stretch, which is a hectic shopping street. I was eager to enter the park, and when I finally did, I was immersed in a quiet green haven. There were quite a few people running, walking dogs, and pushing strollers through the park, but it is absolutely massive, so it still felt spacious and uncrowded.

The park was mainly green lawns with winding paved paths. I walked along the river, called the Serpentine, which features prominently in Peter Pan. I saw dozens of species of birds, so it now makes perfect sense that J. M. Barrie wrote a story about a little boy living among the birds in Kensington Gardens.

little bird

I found this cool little guy standing by himself near a bush


Giant groups of many species of birds created a mob by the shore

I also found the Peter Pan statue, which is tucked away a little bit in the park. It is very understated yet lovely, with Peter at the top and charming carvings of fairies and rabbits along the base. I enjoyed watching a thirty-year-old guy with a mohawk have his friend take his photo with the statue. You’re never too old for Peter Pan!

Peter Pan statue

Peter Pan statue

After a tranquil stroll through the park, I made the long trek home, this time down Piccadilly, which was still a busy shopping street, but a little more upscale and pleasant than Oxford Street. While it did have the downside of making me feel underdressed, I had fun walking past Rolex and Jaguar shops.

Once I reached home, I was overcome by a wave of sleepiness provoked by my three-hour walk, and I happily napped, just like generations of little kids have done after an energetic afternoon at Kensington Gardens.

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